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Showing posts from March, 2007

Toys and Carnivore Preservation Trust

Pics and Video... Carnivore Preservati on Trust

Here's a series V

And that's the end for now!!

Here's a series IV

Here's a series III

Here's a series II

Here's a series

of dumb photos of myself. First just a normal one.


Ok, as promised, here is the picture in the proper orientation.


Today we had a surprise birthday party for Debby at my place. I arranged to have friends come over around 630 pm, and before that her roommate came to help prepare some food. It was sort of a potluck dinner, so other people also brought food over too. Debby and I were studying at a coffee shop, trying to make keep in the normal routine. Around 7 we left the shop and headed home. Surprise! Unfortunately, I think she sort of sensed something was going on. At the coffee shop I had to come up with several excuses to leave to go back home to help, and also to make calls to make sure things were going smoothly. All in all, it was a fun evening, with people staying and chatting well past midnight. Here's photos of the cake. They spelled her name incorrectly; fortunately I had bought these mini decorations!

Chamber Arts Music

Prof. Meyer in our department was very kind and gave me tickets to two chamber arts performances at Duke. These season tickets are actually from his friends, also profs. at Duke. I made a small thank you card for the original ticket holder. The image is of the front and back of the card. The first performance I already went to, and it was a group called Opus One, with violin, viola, cello and piano. The performance was great technically, and we also got to hear in the second piece a work written by composer George Tsontakis specifically for Opus One. It was very funky and modern with a classical bent. Apparently the lead violinist, Ida Kavafian, was friends with Tsontakis while they both studied at Julliard. The next performance I look forward to, and it's the Emerson String Quartet!


In high school a couple friends and I founded a computer club called BitSmart. Our job was to run the computer lab and host websites. We also handled outsourced webpage design for local university departments. Here's a pic of the five of us and my mom. Which one am I? Hehe, I'm not telling so you'll have to guess. By the way, the web has grown so much from what it was back then. I still remember having an ICQ number in the mere 5 digits. There's tons of new technology out there. This looks cool. I saw it on Cataclyst's blog, and it's literally, pipes to wire up your web.


Debby and I took a quick one day trip to DC on Sunday to see her friends from California who were in town for the weekend. We went to see the Botanical Gardens and walked around the Mall. Doesn't the first plant look so yucky!

Here's a nice pic

Taken by my mom. More to come..