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Showing posts from February, 2008

Nice little short. I thought the story was ok, nothing particularly exciting. However, I'm amazed at the visual detail, and even more impressed that it was the work of one individual.

Yahoo Younger, Google Older?

I thought these were interesting statistics...from here . The argument in the original article is that Yahoo tends to draw a younger crowd. I don't really see that in the second graph, and in particular, the time span is way too short to draw any conclusions. You could argue the ~3% difference in the 25-34 age group goes for Yahoo, and similarly ~3% difference in the 45-54 age group goes to Google. Given this data, I think that's a sketchy conclusion. However, what is interesting is the first graph, showing that those who tend to spend more online go Google instead of Yahoo. This suggests that Google definitely has a way better business model and is able to effectively convert searches or clicks to $$.