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Showing posts from July, 2008


These are all fake! But it takes a real good eye to tell the difference..sorry, some of these you gotta know Chinese characters. I got an email with this stuff, so sorry I don't know the source! Too Funny!! 去超市買洗衣粉本來想買雕牌,都放到購物籃裏了,結果發現是周住牌... 想想不用雕牌,用好一點的汰漬吧,拿起來一看....是什麼"汰潔"... 在家商店買了瓶新品雪碧,後來喝著覺得味道不對,才發現瓶子上寫的"雲碧" 買了一瓶"脈動"飲料,上車喝了才發現味道不對,仔細看了半天,竟然是"脈劫" 算了再換個店買吧,一看,暈,居然是詠動 還有泳動? ? ? 看來我還得認准"脈"字再買,又買成"脈勁"了,真抓狂了 哪位能告訴我哪種是正! 版OLIO餅乾? ? ? 肯德基音譯變啃他雞?KFC我是KFG 呵呵用過SONY電池嗎?——這可是SQNY電池喔! 注意看這不是可口可樂Coca Cola是卡卡卡拉 Caca cala ! 哇塞!好嚇人的Qoo 啊這是"Quu"! 飄柔洗髮精變成漂柔了 白貓洗衣粉,日貓?寒.... IVIKE版NIKE,近視眼的同學千萬別買錯了 還有HIKE拖鞋 Koppa變成這樣 OLAY玉蘭油護髮系列,喔!不!是OKAY 在超市買了一碗康師傅速食麵,吃著吃著不對勁呀,仔細一看,原來是康帥博速食麵... 還有,吃過庚師傅速食麵嗎? 這彪馬PUMA的髮型也真夠彪悍的 母豹版彪馬,還穿裙子 河馬版 小豬版,豬是pig喔 翻過來睡也可以

Too greedy

You know, I'm a Mac fan. I mean I like PCs too, but I'm typing this on my trusty powerbook and have bought a lot of ipods for the family, and other Mac computers. But sometimes, I feel that Apple is just too darn greedy, and too petty to see the long term benefits. Or perhaps they don't have the ability to strategize and play out the long term to their advantage. See this article . Honestly, what would happen if they allowed others to sell computers with their software on it? Two extreme possibilities: 1) they die because people realize they can buy the software on cheaper hardware that works as well 2) they survive and do well because people start using their software, on all sorts of hardware, at the prices of their own choosing. Two very different outcomes for Apple, but either end result benefits the consumer.


Here's an interesting new game, Pentago . The link goes to, a site I've been frequenting for a long, long time. They have a nice review, but the gist of the game is to place marbles on the board to get five in a row in any way. The twist is that after placing a piece down, you have to rotate any one of the 3x3 tiles 1/4 turn. I thought it's pretty fun.