I just finished reading Orson Scott Card's Speaker of the Dead , the sequel to Ender's Game (which I read in elementary school), and in the news, I read this touching story . It really hit home the message Orson was trying to send with his novel. That is, how to live and love one another. This one another may be another of your race, another of your city, your country, this earth, or perhaps, of this universe regardless of species, as long as they are living. They don't even have to be as "intelligent" as we are. For me to accept another is not so much their finally achieving a level of civilization that I recognize, but rather, that I have matured, and come to love and accept them for who they are. I do believe these dolphins are intelligent, and their behaviour with humans seems much more civilized than the way we approach them. Look, the fellow tried to get out of the circle, but after he saw the Great White, then he understood the dolphins intentions. If we f...