I went hiking at the Eno River State Park again this morning. This time we went through a different entrance, so I got to see a part of the park I've never seen before. It's so refreshing. Early morn the air is so clean and invigorating. Below is a photo I took (one of many, the rest I'll be putting up soon) that reminded me of an art piece I saw at the Nasher Museum. The work in the Nasher is a photo of a huge tree, with many branches that fork into more branches that go on---"fractal"-ing out. But the stunning part of the work is the photo is hung on the wall upside down! I was really captivated by that piece, since it motivated a new perception of the tree, a point of view one normally would not see, and thus, also made me try to look at life from different viewpoints. Here, I am looking at roots from a tree, but with the leaves scattered about it's almost an image of a tree! Nature IS beautiful. The invention of photography was brilliant. To find out more...