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Showing posts from August, 2006

UNfair and UNequal

Taiwan needs to be recognized! The flyers are from the GIO website. ( ) The text for the image above is: "China claims to represent Taiwan at the United Nations. But does it have that right? Taiwan's 23 million people deserve their own voice." On which side of the debate do you stand?


Bro came to visit for a couple days. Tennis for 3 hrs on Thursday!! Xbox until the screen froze. Fun! Jean, who is practically our sister, hung out with us too. All in all, a good fun couple of days. Glad he came.

Lazy Sunday..

Lazy Sunday spent at Bean Traders Coffee Shop. Actually I was studying!

La la..

The stuff I cooked. Put with noodles. Notice that I typed incorrectly should be 肉 "燥" 飯. Wow. This guy is fast. Check it . Here's some cool street art, made of tape !

Junk post

This looks seriously cool . Take photos and put them together to create a 3d world of it. Also here's a great site I found. Lots of creative, unique animated shorts . It's the channelfrederator! Summer is friggin' hot. I'm itching for a new tech toy...hrm...