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Showing posts from February, 2007


I've recen started using a one file wiki called Tiddlywiki . It's really cool and indicative of where things might be headed in the future. I think computers are heading for a revolution in terms of how to manage information, content, files and stuff. The usual file folder method is going out. Powerful search engines and techniques to cross-link or lateral thinking (as opposed to conventional vertical thought processes) will emerge.

Interesting Words

Here's a book I plan to check out..The Meaning of Tingo. Here's a word. bakku-shan(Japanese): a girl who looks as though she might be pretty when seen from behind, but isn't when seen from the front. kucir(Indonesian): a tuft of hair left to grow on the top of an otherwise bald head. There's more..I'm going to check it out!

View of French Science Center