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Showing posts from August, 2007


The bug is just a regular bug. At first I thought the spider was an extremely poisonous kind, especially since it has such a bright neon color. But checking online, it's called a yellow garden spider, and is essentially harmless to humans. Very very colorful though.

Jumping Fish

The strangest thing happened. We went to watch the latest Bourne movie, and upon returning home, I found the pineapple swordtail lying on the carpet...!?!?! I really have no idea how it got out. Fortunately I saw it where it was and soon enough. Apparently a spider was lurking around preparing to do something with it (I didn't see the spider), but got scared off as I picked up the fish. I put her/ him back into the tank, and within ten minutes she was off movie again. But I think she's pretty much brain damaged...

D5 Gates Jobs Interview

This has been out since May, but I would like to direct your attention to it. I thought it was a great interview. Heck, anytime you get Bill Gates and Steve Jobs TOGETHER on a stage, it's going to be a great interview. I really liked listening to how these two men interact and answer questions; it's apparent that they are very different in their philosophies, and perhaps aesthetics, but they do share some common ground. From listening to them, one can gauge each individual's strengths and weaknesses, and it's interesting to see how their character has directly impacted their companies, Microsoft and Apple. One thing is apparent though, and that is they both have a deep respect for each other despite the differences. I can also see how Bill Gate's has in many ways, been the more successful businessman because of who he is. Microsoft is without doubt the bigger company. Gates has a strong personality like Job...


Got an aquarium for my new's nice! Gonna slowly build up that collection of fishies. Right now, I have a Red Hifin Platy, a small tiny Rasbora, an orange and white Pineapple Swordtail, and a white, yellow and black pristella tetra.

Unbelievable! I saw this post via Apparently someone cooked their laptop in an oven...and the ending is quite, unexpected.