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Showing posts from October, 2008

Bad design

I saw this somewhere online, so unfortunately I don't have the full credits. Apparently they "grow" as the sun goes down. Hilarious.


Compromising Electromagnetic Emanations of Keyboards Experiment 1/2 from Martin Vuagnoux on Vimeo . Can they really do that? Or is this preset program that tricks us? How did they filter out signals from potential other users nearby? Despite my questions about the details, I think this is very fun and relevant research.

Ancient Fish

This story just came out. I am reminded of Spore, and it's really quite interesting to see how small tiny changes here and there are actually quite important. Here's the abstract and last paragraph from the Nature article concerning Tiktaalik. ***** Abstract: Among the morphological changes that occurred during the 'fish-to-tetrapod' transition was a marked reorganization of the cranial endoskeleton. Details of this transition, including the sequence of character acquisition, have not been evident from the fossil record. Here we describe the braincase, palatoquadrate and branchial skeleton of Tiktaalik roseae, the Late Devonian sarcopterygian fish most closely related to tetrapods. Although retaining a primitive configuration in many respects, the cranial endoskeleton of T. roseae shares derived features with tetrapods such as a large basal articulation and a flat, horizontally oriented entopterygoid. Other features in T. roseae, like the short, straight hyomandibula, ...


I recently bought a pc game called Spore. This is the first pc game I've bought in a long time, probably since college. The concept for the game is very interesting, and the scope is actually quite ambitious. The fundamental game play is what I would call "god mode," that is, you are lord over your creations. What is different from other god-mode games is that you actually get to shape, draw, and design everything. Then you play it out. There are several stages which correspond to the various stages in evolution. You begin with the cellular stage, and the goals are simple. Survive. Don't be eaten by other cells---grow bigger. After gaining enough points to evolve, you move onto land. Along the way, you can "mate" which takes you to a creature creator for editing and shaping of your creature, with more functional components, such as mouths, fingers, and fighting appendages, made available as you continually advance down the evolutionary path. In the next stag...


MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo . Although the works are grotesque and dark, strangely, I am fascinated by it. Perhaps it is knowing how much work goes into creating each video, and also the expectation to be further shocked, or what I call the emergence of strangeness, that keeps me interested.

