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Showing posts from December, 2008

The Erice Statement

Written by Paul Dirac, Piotr Kapitza and Antonino Zichichi in August 1982, this statement is now supported by 10,000 scientists the world over. ***** It is unprecedented in human history that mankind has accumulated such a military power to destroy, at once, all centres of civilisation in the world and to affect some vital properties of the planet. The danger of a nuclear holocaust is not the unavoidable consequence of the great development of pure science. In fact, Science is the study of the fundamental laws of nature. Technology is the study of how the power of mankind can be increased. Technology can be for peace or for war. The choice between peace and war is not a scientific choice. It is a cultural one: the culture of love produces peaceful technology. The culture of hatred produces instruments of war. Love and hatred have existed forever. In the Bronze and Iron Ages, notoriously pre-scientific, mankind invented and built tools for peace and instruments of war. In the so-called ...

This is a really neat concept. Again I think this points to how online savvy Obama and his team are. Of course this could go to either end of the spectrum, but I feel that the Obama team will handle moderating questions in a good faith, no censorship kind of way. Also, the appointment of Steve Chu as Energy Sec. is a masterful stroke. Brings in someone with real scientific knowledge of the problem, and also appeals to the Asian American community. So far, I've been quite impressed with Obama's choices. Look at Hillary Clinton as Sec. of State. In one stroke, he acknowledges Hillary and also reins in Bill! I think that's one of his real strengths---identifying competent people who fit his political agenda and using them.

Yes, Taiwan Can!

I saw this image somewhere, and I thought it was nice. I hope we can spread it around! I apologize for not giving full credit, but if it's yours, let me know!