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Crayfish songs!

More about crayfish and other food from a fun night in a barn. Here's the lyrics to some of the songs.

Kräftan (sung to Twinkle Twinkle little star):

Kräfta, kräfta prydd med dill, (cray fish cray fish, decorated in dill)
och en immig sup därtill, (and a misty schnapps on top)
bröd och smör och ost och sill (bread and butter, cheese and herring)
och så några supar till (and a couple of more schnapps)
Kräfta, kräfta prydd med dill, (cray fish cray fish, decorated in dill)
nu vi får allt vad vi vill. (now we get all that we want!)

Here's another song we sang that night, somewhat less appropriate subject matter...but fun nevertheless.

My Bonnie lies over the ocean:

My father makes counterfeit money,
my mother brews synthetic gin,
My sister sells kisses to sailors,
and that's how the money rolls in!

Rolls in, rolls in, my God how the money rolls in, rolls in
Rolls in, rolls in, my God how the money rolls in.

My uncle's a slum missionary
saving young maidens from sin
He'll save you a blonde for a shilling
and that's how the money rolls in!

Rolls in, rolls in...

My aunt runs a girl's seminary
teaching young girls to begin
She never says where they're to finish
and that's how the money rolls in!

Rolls in, rolls in...

My brother's a Harley Street doctor,
with instruments long, sharp and thin
He only makes one operation
and that's how the money rolls in!

My father has spent all his money,
my mother has drunk all her gin
My aunt's with my brother in prison
so now no more money rolls in!


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