It's interesting how backwards America can still be. I was at the mall with several friends from physics and we were eating in the food court. We had a pretty multicultural group there, one white, one Muslim, myself and the last from India. The fellow from India has a habit of wearing flipflops everywhere, and at the moment was sitting cross-legged, barefoot in the air. We had decent food, and now it was time for desserts. I went to get a sorbet sipper, and when I returned I saw all three of them with appalled looks. Apparently, while I was away, some white lady, who was done eating, went up to my Indian friend and told him that he should "put his leg down because it might disturb some people while eating," then left. That certainly is quite appalling!
I don't know whether this should be considered a racist comment, or perhaps the sight of a barefoot really does lead to the loss of appetite. But it's the mall for goodness sake. I could understand if this were som...