It's been rather chilly the last few days! I was up rather late last night reading papers and some low temperature measurement techniques, particularly on how to set up an rf/microwave system for the dilution refrigerator. I was getting more excited by the minute since I finally began to get an idea on how to actually set up everything, from coaxes to the electrical circuit when the power went out. The light in the room flickered and went out, and my laptop went di-da, signaling a switch to battery power. One could almost imagine the current providing all the electricity zipping out of all the socket-connected appliances. Most importantly, the heat was gone. Looking out the window, the entire apartment complex was dark too. I knew it wasn't just my problem. I was slightly lost as to what to do. I sat on my couch for a couple minutes hoping the power would come back on. It didn't. Perhaps I should check the switchbox? I never particularly noticed where it was, and this being the moment a flashlight is most needed, I didn't have one. My laptop! Battery levels still high, so I could use the screen backlight! I found the switchbox, tried to reset them to no avail. That meant it was time to call it a night. With my trusty laptop, I was able to brush my teeth, take a leak, and get to bed without charging my toe into something! Moral of the story, get a flashlight!
Actually, it made me think about how vulnerable we are without power. Without power, we are nothing more than what our ancestors thousands of years ago were...mere mortal man. It is true we have come a lot farther in knowledge, we know the winds are not blown by the gods, lightning isn't Zeus come to punish...but on average, stick a city boy in the wilderness and chances are he will not survive! Most of us are unprepared if a catastrophe were to cut our access to electricity; we would no longer have refrigerated foods, interior heating, internet and instant communication. So we must somehow prepare, or prevent. I was told without much details that the cause of the power outage was a wreck, so I am assuming a car crashed into a power line. It's funny that such a random event, and not something like a terror strike, could cause so much damage.
Actually, it made me think about how vulnerable we are without power. Without power, we are nothing more than what our ancestors thousands of years ago were...mere mortal man. It is true we have come a lot farther in knowledge, we know the winds are not blown by the gods, lightning isn't Zeus come to punish...but on average, stick a city boy in the wilderness and chances are he will not survive! Most of us are unprepared if a catastrophe were to cut our access to electricity; we would no longer have refrigerated foods, interior heating, internet and instant communication. So we must somehow prepare, or prevent. I was told without much details that the cause of the power outage was a wreck, so I am assuming a car crashed into a power line. It's funny that such a random event, and not something like a terror strike, could cause so much damage.
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