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Star Wars, Stravinsky, Summer!

It's been a while since my last post. So much has happened in the last few weeks. My brother graduated from Columbia! Kudos to the kid. It's interesting how Columbia has played such a large role in my family's life and father taught there, a cousin got a Masters, I have a Bachelors in the Arts, and now my brother too! I'm sure some day if I ever have kids I would encourage them to apply, of course, no pressure whatsoever.
So the lucky kid will be in Germany for the next half year or so trying to beef up his Deutsche Sprache. I sure wish I had such experiences. Its a lot harder when you're doing experimental science to travel around like that. I can't just lug around my couple hundred pound dilution fridge everywhere I go. Still, I can always plan for a postdoc in either Europe or Japan. Actually that's my goal..go and get to know some hot Japanese or Euro chicks eh? But back to reality here, need to finish the PhD first. One step at a time yo.

What other bigs things have happened recently? If you are just so culturally in the backwaters, or perhaps comatose, then you might not be aware that the most anticipated movie of all time was just released. Star Wars Episode III baby! I mean, this movie has been so influential in the lives of so many. I watched my first Star Wars movie when I was 3 years old! The year Return of the Jedi was released. I can still remember being grossed out, slightly scared, and definitely curious about Jabba the Hutt when he appears in his den. Thank you George Lucas!
Episode III certainly didn't have that many surprises. It was more or less just completing a story that everyone already knows the ending to. That's no easy task, and I think George has done a superb job, not forgetting to maintain his trademarks: cheesy dialogue and blow your mind away graphics and special effects. So again, Thank You, George Lucas.

Now I'm enjoying my summer = freedom from classes. So all the time I used to spend on homework, I now use to do my daily three C's: vitamin C, Cartoon network, Comedy central. Of course I try to pack in some book time and sketch/ draw time. I've been reading about Stravinsky and how he came up with the Rites of Spring. Perhaps more on that in another post.


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