Time goes quick..in a couple days I'll be another year older. A year older, maybe, hopefully a little wiser? I've certainly learned a lot the past few weeks. I feel I have a better grasp of the physics of what I'm doing, though I'm still far from where I want to be. There is still so much to learn! It's a life long process. I also have learned a lot about life, and in the process, come to understand myself a bit better. I think I'm a good person, with a noble spirit and high ideals. I work hard, and when for the things and people I love I give it my all, 110%. But I can also be persistent to the point of pointless, perhaps to the detriment of my own health. I am also not as comfortable opening up or being friendly with people, unless they take the initiative to get to know me, or unless I want to get to know them. Friends here have sometimes said I can be cold. I know I think of the best for others, but sometimes what I think is not what others expect or want. A...