I'm stuck in the San Francisco airport for the next couple of hours. I think my agent booked the flight so I'd arrive early at SF, so early even the EVA ticket booth isn't open, and so I can't get my boarding pass. So I'm just sitting here waiting for that to happen. Good thing there's internet, though you have to pay for it. But at least it'll help me get by the boring hours. I'm lucky to have some good caring friends who give good advice. One is a psychologist at that, so I joke with her that I should pay her for the therapy. I think something I still need to work on is the trust and confidence issue, particularly with girls. Trust in myself and others, or what one would call faith. Confidence in myself and others, especially to remove my own insecurities. This is a lesson to be learned, perhaps the hard way (but I hope not). Overcoming these would prevent future problems from arising, and would not make me the problem. If anything happens, it's no...