I was fortunate to be able to hear the Tokyo String Quartet with Leon Fleisher tonight. If you don't know who Leon Fleisher is, he is a very famous pianist. He won many awards as a youth, only to lose the ability to use his right hand in his prime. For the next 30 or so years, he performed essentially with only his left hand, on pieces that were more or less specifically written for a single hand. Recently, with the advance of medicine, someone realized that by injecting botox he could regain control, albeit this is not a full cure, of his right hand. So tonight, at the age of 79, we saw him perform, and it was still quite a performance.
The Tokyo String Quartet is also very well known. They have fine control over the music, and play with such clarity.
The Tokyo String Quartet is also very well known. They have fine control over the music, and play with such clarity.
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