Had lunch today with this year's London Lecturer, Prof. Frank Wilczek from MIT. He also happens to be 2004's Nobel Prize co-recipient. Great guy, very smart, casual and easy to talk to.
I admire the truly brilliant for their ability to choose words to say precisely what they mean, especially when they are talking seriously. Obviously when joking they may not be so precise, but even then, from the many Nobel laureates I have known and observed, when they tell a joke they know how to send across the punch line. Not a word is uttered that is considered to be extra. No more, no less. Almost like a mathematical equation. I hope some day I can speak with such precision, and eloquence.
Another thing I find for Wilczek at least is he comes off as very humble. Not all Nobel laureates are humble, and sometimes it's understandable as they have the rights to boast about their work. But of course, it's easier to get along with a humble person. Wilczek mentioned that he completed his Nobel work when he was only 21. But it didn't come off as boasting...instead just merely stating a fact. Obviously he can be proud of his accomplishments, but I liked how he didn't make a big deal of it. Nonetheless, doing the mathematics to explain asymptotic freedom at 21!! I mean, I'm nearing 26, and...
I hope some day I can make a contribution, however small, to science for the good of mankind. Of course, I don't do science for the rewards and fame. I'm genuinely interested in quantum computation and spin physics. But it wouldn't hurt to become famous =P!
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