I like to keep up with what's going on in Taiwan. Recently, an editorial in Taipei Times referred to Secretary Colin Powell as "a sorry wreck of a once principled man." I was quite taken aback at how blunt the statement was, and though I don't agree entirely with the statement, I do see the message. The response from the State Dept. however, is one that is indicative of current US attitudes to criticism. Check the article here . The idea is that Taipei Times will now be blacklisted, and the State Dept. official in charge of Taiwan/ China affairs refuses to have any further communication with the newspaper. Similarly, we see Bush's disdain with the UN official's comments that economically well-off nations have not been generous enough with aid efforts in Asia. I understand it's important for one's self esteem to easily brush off criticism, but these guys just can't take any at all. Here's an editorial .
The earthquake/ tsunami centered near A...