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Nice photos below. Some day I'll go North and see the auroras. It must be a breathtaking sight. Auroras occur due to the earth's magnetic field, electrically charged particles, gas particles, and solar wind. I think the idea is particles like electrons travel along the earth's magnetic field lines and in collisions with gas atoms in the ionosphere light is emitted. These emissions can be made into spectacular displays as the one below via influence from the sun's magnetic field, which is what we mean by solar wind. Why do I say North? Because the earth's field terminates at the poles, and there the lines are packed more densely, i.e. the field strength is stronger. One would therefore expect the electrons to be much more energetic and in such collisions give rise to this phenomena.

The second photo is that of an interesting and touching story. The mouse, I think named Gohan, was originally to be fed to the snake, but somehow, the snake instead of swallowing the mouse, became its friend. Now the two are best buddies. Perhaps animals are not as "animal" afterall.

I went to see Brokeback Mountain with a couple friends. Don't worry, there were girls. I didn't go alone or with just guys! Haha. I have to say, I think it's a beautiful movie, and not because the topic is so, touchy. Obviously we no longer live in a time where gay behaviour is taboo, but it is still largely frowned upon. I believe that although attraction to members of the same sex is not beneficial to survival of the human race, it is nonetheless a possibility in the general scheme of evolution. Therefore, I am not bothered by it, and I believe that homosexual relationships should be legally equivalent to heterosexual ones. As the movie also clearly points out, if there is a gay gene, it can and still will be passed on, since both characters married and had children. This is particularly true if society shuns upon homosexual behaviour. In order to survive, gays must marry and have heterosexual relationships. It's kind of ironic how a society that cannot tolerate differences in fact ensures the continuation of the behaviour that is frowned upon, especially if the behaviour is innate and genetic. The conclusion here is the following: we must learn to tolerate. The overarching goal is to ensure humankind survives. Of course learning to tolerate is another one of those "easier said than done" statements.

Ang Lee has done a good job in making a good movie, and I think he deserves the accolades. Taiwan pride!


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