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Showing posts from February, 2006

The King's Secret

A beautiful story..enjoy. ***** 有一個國王在花園中散步,看見一條美麗的七彩小蛇,被困在荊棘的圍籬裡。 這有善心的國王,便挑開圍籬,解救了小蛇, 他對小蛇說:「以後出來遊玩,自己要多加小心。」 第二天,國王在花園裡散步的時候,遇到了一位衣著華麗、威儀無比的人, 國王訝異的問他:「你是什麼人?是如何闖進皇宮的花園?」 人說:「國王不用驚慌,我是龍宮裡的龍王,今天特別來向你表答謝意的。」 為何要感謝我呢?」國王說。 龍王說:「昨天我的小女兒,偷偷跑到您的花園賞花,不小心被圍籬困住了, 幸好您及時解救,否則早就被太陽曬死了,您對龍宮的大恩,我不知如回報, 您要什麼,儘管說出來,我一定會滿足您所願。」 國王聽了,沉呤了半天, 他說:「我的皇宮有許多寶物,實在不缺少什麼但是如果可以的話, 我希望能通曉百畜鳥獸的語言,我經常在觀察鳥獸, 覺得牠們十分有趣可愛,只可惜聽不懂牠們說的話。」 龍王說:「這並不困難,但是您想知道鳥獸語言, 從今天起就不能吃牠們的肉,不可能一邊殘害鳥獸,一邊還能聽懂牠們的話。 您素齋戒七天以後,自然能聽懂鳥獸。」 龍王說完,深深鞠躬致謝,就消失不見了, 國王正在錯愕的時候,空中又傳來龍王的聲音: 「但是您絕對不能讓任何人知道,您聽得懂動物的話, 這個秘密一旦洩露,您的能力就會消了。」 國王依照龍王的囑咐,素食齋戒, 過了七天,到了第七天吃晚飯的時候, 突然就聽見動物的說話。 國王聽到停在屋樑上的兩隻飛蛾說話, 一隻母飛蛾說:「喂!死相!妳去撿那粒掉在地上的飯粒給我吃!」 飛蛾說:「瘋婆子!妳想吃不會自己去撿嗎?」 飛蛾:「你沒看我這麼胖,飛不動嗎?你以前還常說你愛我,連撿一粒飯也不肯!」 公飛蛾:「妳這是活該!叫妳減肥妳老是不肯, 好吃懶做,才會胖成這樣!妳沒看國王和王妃正在用餐, 現在飛去撿飯粒,不是要我的老命嗎?妳是不是愛上別人,想謀殺親夫嗎?」 王聽到這裡,忍不住哈哈大笑。 王妃疑惑的問:「你在笑什麼呢?」 國王說:「沒什麼!沒什麼!」就沉默不語了。 吃過晚餐,國王和王妃喝茶, 又聽見屋頂上的兩隻壁虎在說話,公壁虎說:「讓開,我要過去!」 母壁虎偏偏不肯,擋住公壁虎的去路: 「這麼晚了,你要去哪裡?是不是又要去找隔壁的狐狸精!」 公壁虎說:「神經病!跟妳說過多少次,我跟隔壁的根本沒有關係, 而且人家相夫教子,也不是什麼...

One-Siddhartha Gautama

Siddhartha Gautama or Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Shakyamuni was born into a princely family, the rulers of the Shakyas. He lived a sheltered, abundunt life and married at 16. But his restlessness with confinement to the palace soon led to a trip outside the palatial walls, and there he soon realized that his life was not that of the common man. He had come to know what suffering was. He saw death. This led him down the path of finding the reason people suffer, and how to escape suffering. With enlightenment he became "Buddha," or "he who is awake." He then proceeded to teach his philosophy, and this has become the religion of today that so many millions adhere to, Buddhism.


One man can change the world. I'm going to try to do a series of posts with persons, man or woman, I think have truly shaped the world. By world I mean the entirety of humanity, and the fact that the effects of their existence can still be felt today. There are many who fit this bill, and I'm going to try to start a list (let's see how far I go haha). Obviously each such person has an entourage of supporters that are equally necessary for anything to happen, but all thoughts originate in an individual. Through persuasion, either diplomatically or forcefully, the dominant individual can get his/her way. That is why I make the statement at the beginning of this paragraph. Today I begin with one man, Temujin or Genghis Khan. A truly great general, king and conqueror, he created a powerful Mongol dynasty with a military that could not be matched, either in the East or West. In the process of dominating the world, he also came to father a large part of it (I think millions today...

Flag Week

Cool pic taken by Jerry.


I just swallowed some toothpaste. Doesn't feel too good, bleh.. Congratz to my bro for getting into Berkeley!!!! There's been some tension on campus between the Chinese and Taiwanese students. This started when the International House, which is the organization that helps foreign students at Duke, agreed to fly the Taiwanese flag at the behest of Taiwanese students at Duke. This immediately sparked off a request/ demand from the Chinese student organization that Ihouse recognize the "One China Policy." As I happen to receive emails from all parties, that is Ihouse, Taiwan and China, I have been following what's going on. The Taiwanese side has not sent any emails other than a description document that Ihouse then forwarded to its mailing list. In response, the Chinese side has continued its request that Ihouse acknowledge One China. We'll see what Ihouse does. Here's the document describing Taiwan's flag, history, land and people (basically cut and pas...


wow..captions for pic from 千年雕像 抹油儀式 (2006/02/09) 印度南部班格洛市西邊160公里處,8日為一座已有1800年歷史的巨型雕像,舉行12年一次的頭頂塗油膏的儀式,吸引約300萬的教徒參與. What caught my attention the most? Two this statue has been around for 1800 years. Two, the phallus! Think about showing a penis or breast on statues in public arenas today in America, and you'd get all sorts of complaints about sexual inappropriateness blah blah. Being sensitive is one thing, and I know I have some work to do there, but oversensitive? Bad too. Recently there's been some troubling tension between the West and Muslim nations. Dialogue is necesary, but I think both sides need to learn to see from each other's point of view. More on this in a later post..


Check out my brother's description of his travels in France. Lucky lucky kid. Duke won a phenomenal game against UNC tonight. It was just great basketball all around. I'm starting to really get hooked on Duke basketball...this coming after years of disinterest in college sports, probably because my alma mater is so bad at just about everything, maybe besides fencing. I still don't see myself becoming a true fan though, but I plan to watch each game of the remaining season. I can definitely see how some people just go totally crazy about sports though. It brings people together. Speaking of that, I think it's important to have faith and trust in people. This is me lecturing again..haha, I don't think I can ever take the philosopher/ teacher out of me. People get hurt, and wounds will heal over time; it may take a while. But don't let the scars bar you from happiness in the future, or make you hesistant to have faith in goodness and hesistant to love. Be ready t...

Beef Noodle Soup!

Tasty Taiwanese style beef noodle soup that my mom would be proud of! Yummy.

Pink Panther

The next movie I want to see is the Pink Panther with Steve Martin. Should be a comic blast. In theaters Feb 10th! Speaking of pink, I think it's perfectly fine for guys to wear pink. It takes a certain masculinity to be comfortable with it! I always think it funny when other guys say to one wearing pink, "Ooh, you are so gay!" I think they should be the one questioning their own sexuality. I'll be honest, I like wearing pink. I also know very well that I like women. Of course I'll only go as far as a pink polo...wearing all pink or hot pink is too much for me. Here's an interesting site. Check it out . For the one photo I've submitted, my closest celebs are all black! I also had a match with Beyonce Knowles. Maybe that's why I have a thing for black women? Haha. I think I should try submitting another photo just to double check. *Update: So submitting another photo gives totally different results! This time I had like a 45% match with John Cusack! Can...

The Dark Knight Returns!

My favourite superhero is Batman. Looks like there's some new stuff coming out. Check here . Batman is cool because he's human. His wit, intellect, physical prowess, and other human features that are trained and tuned with endless hard work and effort allow him to become a superhero. He's not born with his powers. Granted he was born into wealth, but you need a little something to start you off. Batman is a loner, who has gone through several side-kicks, either as they've been killed off or grown old. He's a no strings attached, independent villain butt kicker! I also like how Batman comics tend to be darker and richer with emotion. He's only human after all. Superman on the other hand seems to live in the light and is almost always near perfection. Photos from Batman Begins (


I like this photo a lot. From Taipei Times. Haven't had much to say or post lately. I've been keeping myself extremely busy with lab, class work, club activities, and personal stuff. Long days that typically start at 8 am and don't really finish until midnight. Even then I feel I don't have enough time to do everything I want. I definitely haven't been able to find time to play games anymore. It's sad in a way. Gaming is such a stress reliever for me, but I just have so much to do. I do make sure I get some tennis or basketball in daily, so that's good. This is turning into a rambling post. Maybe I do have lots to say, just haven't thought it all through...that's why typing is so much easier than speaking. You just let the fingers work whatever word comes to mind, and then you can look back on what you just typed and think about it. I need to spend the next few days doing my own things again. Definitely last few days I've sort of allowed myself t...